Available courses

For the students from Hochschule Heidelberg, Germany

A small workshop for Aalborg University students for disseminating the Islands of Innovation results and to hold a discussion about suggestions for action plans.

Her lærer ansatte i kommunens hjemmepleje og andre at finde energibesparelser i hjemmene.

Varighed: 1 dag

For visitors to Samso who wish to learn about the renewable energy island project, and see some of the renewable energy installations.

Duration: 1 day

Self.study course to learn about home energy checks. Login as a guest.

Work load: 1 hour

How to calculate energy savings. Self-study.

For the participants in the RECET project

KeywordsGreen transition, implementation in practice, action, local climate plans, community, anchoring in the organization, citizen involvement, Regional development, Climate accounting

The project: 'TSI - Kom Videre' stems from Region Central Jutland's ambition to be a pioneer in the green transition.  It seeks to support the DK2020 process and upskill the municipal employees who work with climate plans, green transition and citizen involvement.

For the visitors from the IANOS project

Nøgleord: Grøn omstilling, implementering i praksis, handling, lokale klimaplaner, fællesskab, forankring i organisationen, borgerinddragelse, Regional udvikling, Klimaregnskab

Projektet: ‘Kom Videre’ udspringer af Region Midtjyllands ambition om at være pioner i den grønne omstilling. Det søger at understøtte DK2020-processen og opkvalificere de kommunale medarbejdere, der arbejder med klimaplaner, grøn omstilling og borgerinddragelse. 

Virtual exchange of experience workshop. A result of the Islands of Innovation project.

A model of your energy consumption at home can show if you are using more or less energy than normal. It is an incentive to save, and an indicator of possible faults.

Duration: a half day

Project appraisal is the evaluation of a project. Economic appraisal uses economic indicators such as payback period and rate of return in order to decide whether to invest or not.

Work load: a half day

A ground source heat pump acquires maybe 2/3 of its heat from the ground. The course shows how to calculate the economic viability of such a project.

Duration: a half day

Various Samso cases demonstrate a mix of ownership models, that have helped promote renewable energy projects as well as prevented profit from flowing away from the island.

Duration: a half day

A non-technical barrier is a hindrance to a project due to human concern as opposed to a technical hindrance. The course presents an organized method to uncover and analyze barriers.

Work load: 1 day

Here INRES partners and associates can learn about the Samso project.

The topic is engineering economics illustrated by renewable energy cases from the island of Samso. The course is a part of the Power summer school at the University of Aarhus, School of Engineering, Denmark (www.iha.dk).

Duration: 1 day

Online video presentation (Skype) for citizens of Agio Eustratio on Thursday 6 October 2010.
For the students at the summer school Bioinspired Materials for Solar Energy Utilization 9 - 21 Jul 2012 at the University of Crete.

For the visiting students from College of the Atlantic.